Tips For Buying Land


Construction of a new residential building with the framework in place on a clear day.

Buying land for your dream home can be tricky. There are some things you should know before purchasing the perfect block. Below is a shortlist of the main areas to think about before purchasing land.

Get the soil tested

Soil testing takes place in the first stage of building a new house, where a series of soil samples are taken from your block of land. The soil profile of each home site varies from place to place, so it is compulsory to have a soil report, even before your house plans are decided on. Some builders manage this for you, so check upfront. Make sure you have the results of your soil test prior to signing any building contract, as the outcome can significantly affect your build costs.

How steep is the land?

Building on a sloping block can be tricky and expensive. Make sure you obtain educated advice about your sloping land from a qualified and experienced sloping block builder or engineer before buying the land. At GW Homes we specialise in sloping blocks, check out our blog post on how to get the best out of a slopping block site.

How big does the block need to be?

Smaller blocks mean less garden and low maintenance outdoor areas and can offer a great lifestyle choice for some. Others prefer a larger lifestyle block that requires more maintenance.  Before buying a block, you need to consider whether the house you want can fit on the block and your lifestyle.  At GW Homes we have a range of designs to suit small and narrow lots, as well as house designs to suit larger acreage blocks (and everything in between!). Whatever size block you have, we have a house design for it.

What is land zoning?

You may be able to cross off everything on your checklist but if your land is in a bushfire or flood zone, this should raise a red flag. Check with your developer and local city council to verify bushfire and flood risk. These higher risk areas will seriously affect your ability to obtain finance for the project and may affect the cost of the build.

What are developer covenants?

Developed covenants generally impose conditions or restrictions on what can be built on the land. Examples will include height restrictions, building envelopes, the type of materials or fencing that is allowed. This type of covenant is an enforceable agreement between the developer and the buyer. These are important things to consider as they may affect the style and price of your dream home.

What is titled land vs. untitled land?

Titled land means the block is able to be built on as soon as the transfer of ownership is approved.  Land in new estates is often untitled, as blocks go on sale prior to construction commencing. If your land is untitled, you should be given an estimated title date. The title date of untitled land should be considered when purchasing a block as it will affect the amount of time before you can start your build.

No-obligation advice

At GW Homes we are happy to visit and give you advice on a block of land you may be considering for your dream home. Our Design Consults are experts at looking for the potentials and pitfalls of any block and are happy to do a site visit with you prior to making a final decision.

Contact us or call one of our design consultants today on 07 3393 1399.

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